
Noah's Game of Memory

Months ago I was approached to be a part of a very exciting international event in Atlanta, GA. Thousands of delegates came from all over the world to attend the International Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses and each delegate was given a gift bag filled with goodies. The idea was to showcase local flare so included in the bag were southern recipe cards, handmade soap, posters, etc.

My project was an 36 card memory game.

I illustrated 18 different North American animals and a quirky little Noah to go on the front of the box.

I was also asked to do an illustration of all the animals and Noah for a postcard.

My daughter loves playing the game. She is getting pretty good at it.

The postcard illustration and a few select animals are up on my site. This was by far one of the most enjoyable projects I have ever worked on!


Abra Michelle Morris said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!!!! I would take the memory cards and just frame the whole set! I absolutely love your style!

Kim Callahan said...

Neesha, these are perfect! Your mom showed me a set today at the meeting. It was so funny because last night I had seen them on a FB post from Steve and thought how great they were!

Unknown said...

Where can I buy these...?...they were amazing! Thank you! your sister, Michele